Cup of Joy Testimonies

Domestic Violence: Stacy Mc Cormick shares her story of how she obtained true joy and overcame one of the most challenging circumstances that a person could ever face.

"an unexpected encounter"

The following interview involves a real life account of a woman's determination to overcome a series of events that lay in the path to recovery for herself as well her daughter. Yet in facing the obstacles before her, it became clear that determination alone would not be enough to overcome them. Fortunately, she recognized that successfully overcoming the trauma of domestic violence required the help of others.  It was in reaching out for support that this woman was able to obtain the help that she so desperately needed. 

If you are a victim of domestic violence, support is just a phone call away. But first find a safe place to make the call where your abuser cannot over hear you. Then call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233. Please consider doing this even before listening to this podcast. You can listen to it later.

The interview that follows involves a frank discussion of domestic violence, which some listeners may consider to be sensitive or emotionally triggering  in nature. Therefore, listener discretion is advised.