Cup of Joy Testimonies

From Hippie to Jesus Freak: Mary Ferguson was caught up in a life of drug abuse when she was only 13 years old. And there was only one way out.

May 03, 2023 "an unexpected encounter"
From Hippie to Jesus Freak: Mary Ferguson was caught up in a life of drug abuse when she was only 13 years old. And there was only one way out.
Cup of Joy Testimonies
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Cup of Joy Testimonies
From Hippie to Jesus Freak: Mary Ferguson was caught up in a life of drug abuse when she was only 13 years old. And there was only one way out.
May 03, 2023
"an unexpected encounter"

There is nothing quite like being caught up in a life style that nearly kills you. And Mary was living a life-style that nearly resulted in her death. In this episode, she shares how teenage rebellion and drug use took her on a crash course into self-destruction. It was only supernatural intervention that brought it to a screeching halt. 

Show Notes

There is nothing quite like being caught up in a life style that nearly kills you. And Mary was living a life-style that nearly resulted in her death. In this episode, she shares how teenage rebellion and drug use took her on a crash course into self-destruction. It was only supernatural intervention that brought it to a screeching halt.